Here’s why 50/50 parenting probably isn’t going to happen – article by Hadiya Roderique
This article is a fantastic summary of The Problem. Send it to your friends.
“The truth is: I’m afraid of ending up bearing the brunt of child care responsibilities. Because after a few relationships of my own, and seeing some of my smart, amazing, feminist friends in heterosexual relationships that are less than egalitarian, I have to wonder: Is equitable parenting truly possible?”
– Hadiya Roderique
More men are saying yes to being an equal partner and more women are saying no to parenting without one. Understanding the solutions may open up parenting to those (usually women) who have said “no thank you” to a traditional approach.
Hadiya Roderique, if you’re out there (reading this in your “Hadiya Roderique” Google Alert): have them babies and tell the world how you and your partner made it work.